Police Station
Police Station

From the desk of Sr. PI

The main purpose of this website is to provide an online platform for interaction with citizen. We invite youth to be our eyes and ears to ensure safety and well being of the society. We shall give prompt and compassionate response to every call of citizen’s in distress. We shall ensure the Rule of Law, enforce the law of the land impartially and firmly without fear or favor, and strive to create a fear free environment that is conducive to growth and development.

With a promise to be always at your service!

अंकुश खेडकर, Sr. PI, नेहरू नगर Police Station,८९७६९४७९५४


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Telephone Numbers & Email ID

Telephone Nos : २५२४४७६७,२५२४४१०१

Email ID : ps[dot]nehrunagar[dot]mum[at]mahapolice[dot]gov[dot]in

Senior Officers and Other Information

Division: नेहरू नगर विभाग

Divisional ACP : युसुफ सौदागर

ACP office contact no. : २५२२४४०९

Zone : परिमंडळ ६

DCP Zone : नवनाथ ढवळे

DCP office contact no. : २५२२९३०३, २५२२२१६३

Region : पूर्व प्रादेशिक विभाग

Regional Addl. CP : विनायक देशमुख

Regional Addl. CP contact no : २५२३०८९३

Population : 8 Lakhs

Area : ५.२५ Sq.Kms.

No. of Beat Marshalls: 3

Beat Chowkies & Their Telephone Nos

Beat Chowki No 1 : शिवसृष्टी पोलीस चौकी

Beat Chowki No 2 : सहकार नगर पोलीस चौकी

Beat Chowki No 3 : कुर्ला रेल्वे स्थानक पोलीस चौकी

Hospitals in the Jurisdiction of Police Station

Hospital Name 1 : व्ही. केअर हॉस्पिटल, रेनिसा रेसीडेंसी अपार्टमेंट, इमारत क्रमांक १०१ समोर , नेहरु नगर मुंबई -२४

Hospital Phone 1 : ९८१९८६४५६२

Nearest Railway Station

Railway Station : कुर्ला रेल्वे स्थानक टिळक नगर रेल्वे स्थानक

Location & Jurisdiction Map